- additive property
- аддитивное свойство* * *аддитивное свойство
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Additive category — In mathematics, specifically in category theory, an additive category is a preadditive category C such that any finitely many objects A 1,..., A n of C have a biproduct A 1 ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ A n in C. (Recall that a category C is preadditive if all its… … Wikipedia
Additive function — Different definitions exist depending on the specific field of application. Traditionally, an additive function is a function that preserves the addition operation:: f ( x + y ) = f ( x ) + f ( y )for any two elements x and y in the domain. An… … Wikipedia
Additive color — An additive color model involves light emitted directly from a source or illuminant of some sort. The additive reproduction process usually uses red, green and blue light to produce the other colors. See also RGB color model. Combining one of… … Wikipedia
additive — additively, adv. /ad i tiv/, n. 1. something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the general quality or to counteract undesirable properties: an additive that thins paint. 2. Nutrition. a. Also called food additive. a… … Universalium
Additive white Gaussian noise — Explanation= In communications, the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel model is one in which the only impairment is the linear addition of wideband or white noise with a constant spectral density (expressed as watts per hertz of… … Wikipedia
additive — 1. A substance not naturally a part of a material ( e.g., food) but deliberately added to fulfill some specific purpose ( e.g., preservation). 2. Tending to add or be added; denoting addition. 3. In metrical studies ( e.g., genetics, epidemiology … Medical dictionary
additive — ad•di•tive [[t]ˈæd ɪ tɪv[/t]] n. 1) something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the quality or to counteract undesirable properties 2) nut a) a substance added directly to food during processing, as for preservation … From formal English to slang
Additive Energie — Erneuerbare Energien, auch regenerative Energien oder Alternativenergien, sind aus nachhaltigen Quellen sich erneuernde Energien. Sie bleiben − nach menschlichen Zeiträumen gemessen − kontinuierlich verfügbar und stehen hiermit im Gegensatz zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Additive Energien — Erneuerbare Energien, auch regenerative Energien oder Alternativenergien, sind aus nachhaltigen Quellen sich erneuernde Energien. Sie bleiben − nach menschlichen Zeiträumen gemessen − kontinuierlich verfügbar und stehen hiermit im Gegensatz zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Graph property — In graph theory a graph property is any inherently graph theoretical property of graphs (formal definitions follow), distinguished from properties of graphs described in terms of various graph representations: graph drawings, data structures for… … Wikipedia
Zero-product property — In the mathematical areas of algebra and analysis, the zero product property, also known as the zero product rule , is an abstract and explicit statement of the familiar property from elementary mathematics that if the product of two real numbers … Wikipedia